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OPC Antioxidant, with grape seed extract, Life Care®


Net quantity: 22 g

  • 13.58 GBP

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  • strengthening blood vessels and increasing their elasticity
  • improves micro-circulation
  • reduces the risk of cardio-vascular disease
  • fights against free radicals
  • has a general tonic effect on the organism


Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals which help the organism against free radicals.
Free radicals are the main cause of cell oxidation and if they are not kept in check by antioxidants, can affect the immune system and therefore the entire organism.
According to researchers, the entire force of grapes is contained in the seed. The grape seed extract contributes to:
- strengthening blood vessels and increasing their elasticity
- improves micro-circulation
- reduces the risk of cardio-vascular disease
- fights against free radicals
- has an anti-microbial action
- sustains the structure of collagen
- has a general tonic effect on the organism


OPC Antioxidant, with grape seed extract, Life Care® has a strong antioxidant function. OPC Antioxidant, with grape seed extract, Life Care® has a broad effect on the body, helps to control inflammations at cellular level, fights against aging at cellular level, being an excellent anti-aging ingredient.


1-2 capsules / day. Recommended only for persons from the age of 16. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance.The normal diet can not be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Do not leave this food supplement within the reach of small children.


Grape seed extract OPC 95% (Vitis vinifera) 400 mg*. Other ingredients: capsule 95mg.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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Eu am varice, am incercat multe metode de a scapa macar de durere, acest produs este uimitor nu ma mai dor picioarele si cand il combin cu crema de picioare pentru imbunatatirea circulatiei rezultatele sunt uimitoare.

21.06.2020, ANIKO GYORFI:

Acest produs, pe langa efectul antioxidant si energizant, ajuta la diminuarea durerilor picioarelor cu varice, ajuta circulatia periferica, impiedica formarea altor varice. Il folosesc si-l recomand cu drag!


Un produs cu calitati foarte folosesc si vitalitatea mea a crescut, reduce palpitatiile recomand cu incredere!


Ma sokaknak vannak visszérproblémái és keringési rendellenességei. A készítmény nemcsak fiatalító hatású, de a keringési rendellenességek ellen is az egyik legkiválóbb készítmény. Erős antioxidáns, ezért a daganatos betegeknek is ajánlom. Ph.D. Peresztegi Sándor - Dr. Kim & Peresztegi Hungagu Biogyógyászat

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