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B Magnificent, vitamin complex B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Life Care®

Buy the second product with Up to 60% DISCOUNT.

Net quantity: 11.70 g

  • 8.99 GBP

* The prices are in pounds and they contain VAT.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • stimulates the nervous system functions
  • increases concentration
  • improves memory


The food supplement stimulates the nervous system functions, increases concentration and improves memory. It is suitable for elderly with slow circular metabolism, for people with extended physical and intellectual activities, but also in case of unbalanced or unilateral diets.


It is a product based on a vitamin B complex, important for the regulation of metabolic processes, of the hormone balance, and for the prevention of heart diseases.


2 capsules a day are recommended, only for persons starting with the age of 15.


30 capsules. One capsule contains the following: Vitamin B3-5.46mg-34% of RDA Vitamin B5-3.331mg-55% of RDA, Vitamin B6-0.651 mg-46% of RDA, Vitamin B2-0.563 mg-40% of RDA, Vitamin B1-0.350 mg-32% of RDA, Biotin-25µ-50% of RDA, Folic acid-100 µ-50% of RDA, Vitamin B12-1.25µ-50% of RDA, other ingredients: Organic green wheat chlorophyll & spirulina,ORGANIC extract of green wheat, ORGANIC extract of spirulina, cellulose, capsule. qs RDA – recommended daily allowance. Variation of ingredients +/- 10%.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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22.05.2023, CSABA CSENDES:

Esténként hatalamas viszketés jött rám, ezenkívül a kezeim éjszakai - reggeli zsibbadása is megijesztett. Utánanéztem, és kiderült, hogy ezeket a tüneteket nagy eséllyel B vitamin hiány okozza. Elkezdtem szedni a B magnifikot és láss csudát: mindkét kellemetlen tünetem megszűnt!


Olyan érzésem volt, mint hogyha rengeteget gyalogoltam volna izomlázszerűség a lábaimban. A fáradtság érzet, gyengeség,feszűltségérzettel párosulva. A doboz kapszula felénél járok, amikor véletlenűl elfelejtem bevenni érzésem is, hogy valami nem oké. Nem foghatunk mindent a tavaszi fáradtságra.

03.05.2021, MARIA LUCACI:

Foarte bune!


O adevarata"comoara" pentru problemele coloanei vertebrale si ale sistemului nervos. Alimentatia vremurilor moderne nu mai asigura necesarul acestor vitamine asa ca trebuie sa ne ajutam, complectand deficitul. Recomand cu toata increderea! Efectele se vad foarte repede.

29.07.2018, ELENA GOLEANU:

Este un produs foarte bun, ajuta la insomnie.


Aveam probleme cu starea emotionala,ma enervam repede,eram stresata,nu prea aveam rabdare, aveam nevoie de ceva care sa ma linisteasca, in aceste vitamine am gasit tot ce imi lipsea, sa pot avea o stare buna, incepusem sa nu am rabdare cu copii, uneori tipam la ei si mi-am dat seama ca nu copii sunt de vina ci eu.Aceste vitamine m-au ajutat sa ma linistesc, sa fiu mai calma, sa nu mai fiu stresata si le multumesc celor care au avut ideea de a promova aceste vitamine le recomand tuturor celor care nu au starea potrivita.MENTIONEZ FOLOSESC DOAR 1 CAPSULA /ZI NU 2CAPSULE/ZI SI A DAT REZULTATE

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