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Detoxification package complet for 30 days


Net quantity: 226 g

  • Your price 54.99 EUR

    Discount from 71.95 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • eliminates toxins fat cells
  • protects and supports the kidneys
  • ensures the minerals and vitamins necessity


THE PERFECT SOLUTION for you? Here are 3 reasons to choose the SPECIAL Life Care® packages:
1. Products validated by millions of clients
2. Combinations of products recommended and validated by nutritionists
3. Packages tested and validated by personal trainers and specialists in the field


The Detoxification packagehas the role of purifying and activating the internal organs, being an important step in the weight loss process. Its unique components ensure:
- essential products:Life Impulse® SlimMEspeeds the metabolizing of fats and inhibits appetite, which leads to a faster fats burning in a natural and healthy manner
-speeds the metabolizing of fats and inhibits appetite, which leads to a faster fats burning in a natural and healthy manner:Vegan-Detox Smoothie Meal Balance®it helps with the colon detoxification, the reduction of cholesterol in the blood and facilitates intestinal transit. The psyllium husk rich in spongious fibers, reduces the appetite, improves digestion and reduces the bloating sensation. The inulin forms a gel which absorbs cholesterol while the cumin, ginger and turmeric prevent bloating and indigestion.
-boosters for amazing results:Life Impulse® MultiPlusVitcontains vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining the body healthy. It gives the body strength and energy, helps with reducing the fatigue states, contributes to a normal functioning of the nervous, skeletal, muscular and immune systems andLife Impulse® Renalo Complex is excellent for maintaining the health of the entire urinary system, including the kidneys and prostate.
-The full package presentation + TIPS from our specialists(click here),contains complete information about how to use and use recommendations
-Target indicators monitoring(click here)
- Monitoring Daily Physical Activity(click here)


-Life Impulse® SlimME: 2 boxes, 30 capsules / box. Recommendation-administration in the early part of the day related to the meals: breakfast and lunch-2x1 / day, at least 30 minutes before meals with 200-250 ml of water
-Smoothie with psyllium husk Vegan Detox Smoothie Meal Balance® (box 150 g) Recommendation - in the morning instead of breakfast
-Life Impulse® MultiPlusVit (30 capsules) immediately before meals or between meals
-Life Impulse® Renalo Complex: 30 capsules with pumpkin seeds. Recommendation - administration in the early part of the day related to the meals: breakfast and lunch-before meals, with SlimME

The treatment can last one month and is not recommended for chronic conditions.


2 X Life Impulse® SlimME - Code 7016
• Vegan - Detox Smoothie Meal Balance® - Detoxification – Code 1306
• Life Impulse® MultiPlusVit - Multivitamins and minerals - Code 7610
• Life Impulse® Renalo Complex with BIO pumpkin seeds - Code 765


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04.02.2022, MILEA CORINA:

Super, recomand!


Am utilizat doua luni acest pachet si am reusit sa ma eliberez de cateva kilograme, de toxine, am mai multa energie si smoothie-ul detox este iubit si de sotul si fiul meu!

23.06.2020, AURA VASILE:

Sunt foarte, foarte incantata de pachetul detox, cat si de alte creme cum ar fi cea pe baza de extract de melc, gelul anticelulitic, sunt minunate. Eu am inceput detoxifierea de la 69 kg iar dupa o saptamana aveam 67 kg. Deci se poate si ma simt exceptional.

04.06.2020, CARMEN MOLDOVAN :

Am folosit programul o luna ... am inceput cu 95,3 kg si acum am 85 kg, deci se poate fara infometare, cu putin regim si cu detox!!!

17.03.2020, AMALIA TOCA:

Imi place mult! Recomand! Incearca! Nu pierzi nimic, dimpotriva castigi sanatate!

10.08.2019, ALINA DANI:

Am inceput dieta in 5.08.2018, luni, azi e sambata si m-am cantarit ... cu 2 kg mai putin ... iupiii ... continuam pana la o luna si apoi revin cu detalii, deocamdata sunt foarte multumita, pofta de dulce a disparut, foamea care mereu o aveam nu o mai am. Tin sa notez ca am baut si peste 2 l de apa pe zi, nu am mancat carne si paine, doar legume si fructe.


Recomand cu incredere acest pachet, este extraordinar de eficient. Am slabit in 2 luni 14 kg.

09.03.2019, TROFIN MARIAN:

Sunt foarte multumita de el.


Am inceput aceasta dieta aici in Madrid de 3 zile, in doar 3 zile ma simt ca si cum as fi eliminat o greutate mare de pe umerii mei, am mai multa energie, nu mai sunt balonata... trebuie sa ajung la greutatea mea corecta. am de slabit 23 kg, am sa va tin la curent aici cu rezultatele mele. Va incurajez pe toti care incepeti aceasta dieta sa lasati scris aici rezultatele, asa ajutam mult mai multe persoane.
Sonica Raileanu (Madrid)


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