Reishi Mushroom Extract, 400mg, Life Care®
Net quantity: 15 g
* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.
The Reishi mushroom, or Ganoderma Lucidum, is quite little known in the West, but has been highly valued in the Asian world for thousands of years and is one of the oldest symbols of well-being and longevity. Reishi, also called the "mushroom of immortality or the great immune protector", has been used since ancient times as a tonic, adaptogen and immunostimulant of the body. It has a bitter, woody taste, but with extraordinary properties for preventing colds and viral infectious diseases, significantly improving the natural defense capacity of the body, increasing the production of immune system cells.
In addition to proteins, vitamins and amino acids, it also contains a high concentration of mineral salts such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, organic germanium and polysaccharides that have beneficial effects on the immune system and circulation. Polysaccharides (20% concentration) are organic substances with the most active properties of regulating the immune system, reducing blood pressure and increasing the longevity and vitality of the body. The benefits of Reishi mushrooms are: >> Stimulates the immune system >> Powerful antioxidant >>Stimulates nerve cell regeneration >> Increases the longevity, vitality and energy of the whole body >> Neutralizes free radicals >> Improves blood flow
It is recommended 2 capsules per day after meal, from 16 years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Keep away from light and store in a cool, dry place. The normal diet cannot be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Preferably consume by the end of the period mentioned on the package. Keep this dietary supplement out of the reach of small children.
Box of 30 capsules – 14.85g. One capsule contains the following: 400mg extract of Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum).
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Eu si familia mea folosim acest supliment, suntem foarte multumiti ca l-am descoperit si ne putem bucuram de importantele sale beneficii. Nu cred ca as renunta la el niciodata. Este un adaptogen deosebit, actioneaza exact la locul cu probleme.
Un supliment foarte eficient! Este folosit de mai multe persoane, tinere si varstnice, toata lumea este foarte multumita!Ajuta in stari de oboseala, dureri de stomac, dupa chimioterapie.
10.05.2021, ZOLTAN FÖLDI:
Az egyik legjobb immunerősítő és vitaziláló készítmény! Az egészség megőrzésben fontos szerepet játszik! A sokféle pozitív tulajdonsága miatt méltán nagy keresettsége.
Un prodotto che mancava nel protfolio, un prodotto ottimo grazie ai benefici del ganoderma lucidum che per mia esperienza sull'immunità risulta molto efficace. Consigliato!
Folosind acest supliment am observat ca sunt mai energic si ma adaptez mai usor la schimbarile climatice! In anii precedenti am suferit foarte mult cu alergia de polen in perioada primaverii, dar acum datorita ciupercii Reishi mi s-au ameliorat simptomele. Mi-a dat o imunitate excelenta!
A Reishit kb. egy hónapja kezdtem szedni, csak kipróbáltam és az immunrendszert szerettem volna vele erősíteni. Azt vettem észre, hogy a vérnyomásomra is hat. Ha jön az időváltozás, a vérnyomásom is ingadozott, hol magas, hol alacsony volt. Mióta szedem a kapszulát, azóta nincsenek rosszulléteim az ingadozó vérnyomástól. Mindenkinek ajánlom, próbáljátok ki!
Ciuperca minune! Bine-cunoscuta pentru proptietatile sale antioxidante si imunitare, ciuperca ajuta la mentinerea tonusului tineretii, chiar si la varste inaintate. Viata noastra se va imbunatati urmand acest tratament minune cu ciuperca Reishi.
24.04.2021, MARIA HURJUI:
Pe mine m-a ajutat mult in sustinerea si intarirea sistemului imunitar dar si in restabilirea echilibrului! Recomand!
20.04.2021, ANNAMÁRIA LÁZÁR:
Jótékony hatással van az immunrendszerre, a koleszterinre és a vércukorszintreis. Refluxra és allergiára is hatásos.
In sfarsit ciuperca Reishi, ciuperca minune a sosit in oferta Life Care. Bine-cunoscuta pentru proprietatile imunostimulatoare, antioxidante si tonice, acest produs este recomandat cand este necesara cresterea imunitatii si rezistentei organismului.
14.04.2021, CRISTIANA DINU:
Ma bucur atat de mult ca a aparut inca un supliment pentru imunitate, il folosesc de o luna si sunt extrem de multumita de rezultatul lui si sunt recunoscutoare intregii echipe Life Care care a lansat extractul de ciuperca Reishi, deoarece chiar observ ca sustine sistemul imunitar si daca inainte eram mult mai sensibila la schimbarea anotimpurilor, acum am scapat de grija asta. Pentru mine acest produs este ca o binecuvantare si va spun din experienta, oboseam cam des si fizic si psihic iar de cand am inceput sa il iau sunt mult mai energica, mai activa (si familia a observat ca sunt bine dispusa si mai fresh). Recomand cu mare drag acest supliment pentru persoanele care au o viata mai activa si mai agitata. Este un produs excelent! Multumesc Life Care. Happy Every Day!
Un super supliment. Aveam probleme cu fierul dar acuma s-a reglat si imi este bine. Multumim pentru produse.
08.04.2021, MARIA VIERU:
Am auzit de aceasta ciuperca de cateva luni bune si m-am gandit in sinea mea, trebuie neaparat sa iau. Sunt epuizata fizic si psihic din cauza acestor vremuri tulburi, dar acest produs m-a ajutat enorm. Il iau de o saptamana si deja sunt alta. Va recomand cu tot sufletul sa luati acest supliment.