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Omega 3 with fish oil Life Care®


Net quantity: 41 g

  • 9.49 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • cardiovascular protector
  • natural essential fat acids
  • the development of heart functions
  • development of brain functions


Rich in essential fatty acids, which play an important role in developing the structure and functions of the brain and heart.


The Omega 3 with fish oil Life Care® is a natural source of essential fat acids-EPA eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid-DHA.The essential fat acids reduce the possibility of cardiovascular problems, helping maintain the functionality of the circulatory system. The Omega 3 with fish oil Life Care® has beneficial effects in case of heart problems and keeps blood pressure under control.


Method of administration: 1 gelatinous capsule per day. Preferably to consume during meal. Recommended only for persons from 16 years of age.


30 gelatin capsules. One capsule contains: Fish oil 30% (EPA- Eicosapentaenoic acid 180 mg); (DHA - 120 mg Docasahexaenoic acid) - 1000 mg; Other ingredients: gelatin capsule, glycerin; Purified water qs +/- 10% variation ingredients.


NOT tested on animals


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Nagyon jó a készítmény, a vérnyomásom szuper lett mióta szedem.

10.10.2020, GEORGETA HOLBAN:

Este un produs benefic, merita incercat!

29.07.2018, ELENA GOLEANU:

Avand HTA acest Omega3 este un excelent cardioprotector. Il consum de ani de zile.

16.06.2018, HILDA OROIAN:

Folosesc omega 3 tot timpul, atat eu, cat si sotul meu. Excelent protector cardiovascular, dar nu numai. M-a ajutat foarte mult si in procesul de pierdere in greutate. Am slabit 20 de kg, iar acest produs a fost de folos in sensul ca pielea s-a tras frumos, este neteda, fara celulita si vergeturi. Recomand tuturor Life Impulse® Omega 3 Fish Oil!

24.10.2016, MADALINA MAZILU:

Si mama si matusa mea folosesc acest produs. Se simt din ce in ce mai bine. Un pret f f accesibil

05.10.2016, DUMITRU PATIRA:

un produs f. bun, natural, care m-a ajutat sa ma simt mai bine, dupa administrarea lui!

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