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Liquid laundry detergent BioHAUS® - Ecocert certified


Net quantity: 1000 ml

  • 13.99 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • Does not cause allergies
  • Distinct cleansing power
  • The laundry becomes extremely soft
  • Much easier to iron


The BioHAUS® liquid laundry BIO detergent is suitable for all degrees of strength water. It has excellent dermatological qualities and outstanding washing power, stain dissolution property rates even at 20 C degrees.
The clothes are very soft and easier ironing. It is particularly biodegradable.


The right combination of soap nut extract and pure vegetable soap based on natura loils and fats with delicat sugar surfactants, create a liquid detergent with excellent dermatological qualities and with a special washing power. Does not contain enzymes, letting laundry extremely soft. In addition, laundry ironing becomes much easier.
All active washing substances introduced are biodegradable. Due to the sodium salts it contains, the BIO liquid laundry detergent BioHAUS® is suitable for all types of water. These salts simultaneously prevent dirt particles from redepositing on the fiber.The added citric acid, obtained by fermentation of sugary products, contribute to water softening at low temperature and determines the optium value for the pH.


Shake before use. Suitable for hard water.
Hand wash: 10 ml in 5 l of water, automatic wash: 30-75 ml. The selected concentration depends on the hardness of the water, as well as on the soiling degree of the laundry.


≥5% <15% anionic surfactants (soapnut extract, vegetable fatty alcohol sulphates) <5% non-ionic surfactants (saccharoidal vegetable surfactants), soap (plant oil soap*), perfumes (essential lavender oil*), Linalool. Also contains: water, sodium salt of succinic acid, ethanol ( vegetal alcohol), citric acid, xanthan gum, lactic acid, wheat proteins. *0,3 % of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming. 100% of the total ingredients are from natural origin


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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31.01.2021, ZOLTÁN TÓTH:

Sok éve már, X mosószert használtam a színes ruháimhoz. Az is jó volt, de amikor ezt kipróbáltam, eldöntöttem, mostantól inkább ezt választom. Nem csak az ára jobb, de a ruhák is puhábbak ezzel mosva.

08.10.2020, DORINA POPA:

Un produs super, il recomand cu incredere.


Tocmai l-am terminat, super incantata! Rufele miros foarte bine, nu au necesitat balsam, detergentul fiind 100% din ingrediente naturale, atent selectionate! Recomand!


Spala bine si parfumeaza rufele.


Spală foarte bine, miros discret, plăcut, se limpezește ușor. Sunt deosebit de mulțumită. Îl recomand celor care doresc un produs de calitate, eficient.

27.10.2016, VASILICA IONITA:

EXCELENT! Spala rufele, miros placut dupa spalare.

24.10.2016, MADALINA MAZILU:

Are un parfum delicat, dar cel mai important este faptul ca are in compozitie doar ingrediente naturale potrivite pentru pielea sensibila.

06.10.2016, IMOLA KATO:

Intotdeauna m-au interesat produsele naturiste. Dupa aparitia unei eruptii cutanate la mana baietelului meu, am inceput sa studiez mai atent compozitia detergentilor si a balsamurilor pentru haine. In acest fel am ajuns sa achizitionez acest balsam. Prima data cand am deschis flaconul am avut impresia ca mirosul este puternic, astfel am hotarat sa utilizez doar o jumatate de capacel la 3-5 kg de haine. Când am scos hainele din masina de spalat , acestea au avut un miros placut si proaspat. Hainele se calca usor. In concluzie, cred ca am facut o achizitie buna încercând acest balsam pe care o folosesc aproximativ de 3 luni si o voi folosi si in continuare.


Nu mai ai nevoie de balsam de rufe, pentru ca acest detergent isi pastreaza parfumul mai mult timp fata de alte produse de curatat, nu am folosit niciodata detergent lichid, isi merita bani si te mai scuteste de o cheltuiala in plus pentru balsam de rufe, care mai si provoaca alergii. Folositi-l macar din curiozitate.

15.11.2010, PETRUTA NICA:

spala bine si imparfumeaza rufele! Imi place


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