Garlic and Parsley, Life Care®
Net quantity: 14.50 g
* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.
Garlic and Parsley, Life Care® is a dietary supplement that uses the properties of garlic and parsley, herbs known for their beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
The complex of ingredients stabilizes the elevated blood pressure values and decays cholesterol deposits from the vascular walls. Stimulates the body to fight against bacteria and viruses. It has an intestinal detoxifying effect, due to the antiseptic and alkaline properties.
The recommended daily dose is of 1-2 gelatin capsules. The intake at mealtime is preferred. It is recommended for people older than 15 years only. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. A regular food diet may not be replaced by the intake of this food supplement. Consume, preferably, by the end of the period referred to on the package. Keep this food supplement out of children’s reach. Store in a cool, dry place and away from light.
Box containing 30 gelatin capsules – 14,5 g One gelatin capsule contains the following: BIO odorless garlic (Allium sativum) (Extract 100:1) (the equivalent of 500 mg of fresh garlic cloves)- 5 mg; Soya oil- 293.8 mg; Parsley seed oil concentrate (the equivalent of 100 mg fresh parsley)- 0,2 mg. Other ingredients: anti-caking agent – silicium dioxide; gelatin capsule; glycerin; purified water q.s. Variation of ingredients +/- 10%.
NO animal ingredients NOT tested on animals Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.
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Kitűnő termék! Ha nagyon kiugrik a vérnyomásom: beveszek ebből egyet, 2db ginkó bilobát és 1db Q10-et, és 20-30 percen belül akár 40-50-nel is lejjebb megy és lent is marad!
Minden termék valamilyen betegségre megfelelő.
Minden termékmjó!
08.04.2020, DORINA POPA:
Acest produs da rezultate foarte bune, trebuie doar respectata cura recomandata si scapi de tensiune, colesterol, paraziti. Il recomand cu incredere.
L-am achizitionat parintilor mei care au o varsta destul de inaintata si il folosesc deja de 3 luni, cu rezultate vizibile. Mama nu mai lesina, tata e foarte vivace. Il recomand, privind din optica practicianului. E natural, fara efecte adverse asupra organismului.
30.09.2018, EMERIC SZOKE:
Consum regulat 2 capsule la pranz si dupa masa, iar dupa 8luni de folosire NU MAI FOLOSES antihipertensive din farmacii. EXCELENT DAR NECESITA RABDARE in obtinerea rezultatelor. Acest produs natural nu are efecte secundare. Recomand pentru scaderea tensiunii. In plus, impreuna cu VITAMINA C contribuie la imunitate. RECOMAND TUTUROR!
29.07.2018, ELENA GOLEANU:
Avand HTA consum acest produs ... m-a ajutat sa reduc doza de medicamente antihipertensive.
Este foarte bun si natural.